Day to Day Green
Artificial Photosynthesis or Solar Power to Collect Hydrogen 
Monday, March 8, 2010, 11:45 AM
Posted by Administrator
Sun Catalytix is out to show that plants are not the only means to efficiently split water into its separate elements -- artificial photosynthesis. In a presentation at the ARPA-E conference (the Advanced Research Projects Agency) Sun Catalytix founder Dan Nocera indicates that the process his company is developing could generate 30 kilowatt hours of electricity with only four hours of sunlight, a bottle of water and a photovoltaic array. The company considers 30 kilowatt hours to be average for 1 home for 1 day.

The 30k assumption aside, I'm curious why the recipe described is so special that they can collect such a large amount of energy. The key to the article seems to be the quantities. As I can not find the original article, just other blogs, I take this with a big grain of salt. Before getting too excited, how big is the solar array and is the bottle of water the water cooler type or one that fits easily in a persons hand? I am curious and want to know more. If I find out more, I will post it.

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