Day to Day Green
Gulf Oil Spill Creates Push for Alternative Energy 
Friday, June 11, 2010, 11:10 AM
Posted by Administrator
A new poll out of Stanford University, surveying 1,000 Americans between June 1 and June 7, found that while about three-fourths oppose new taxes on gas or electricity to force conservation, 84 percent favor the federal government offering tax breaks to encourage more wind, solar and water power.

I'm sure you figured out, I'm one who favors the tax breaks for renewable energy. If it was suddenly affordable and you could install enough to create reliable independence from fossil fuels, would you install solar, wind or hydroelectric?

Follow the related link below for the whole article.

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Measure C Passes! -- YEAH! 
Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 10:36 AM
Posted by Administrator
The funds from Measure C will first go toward solar power as MDUSD begins construction of the second largest solar installation in the country and the largest of any school district in the country. This system should save the district over $400 Million dollars over the 40 years of the bond and continue producing power well beyond that.

There was a lot of mis-information being made public. Our very own local newspaper being the biggest offender. I am disappointed that the paper failed to print the whole story. The paper claimed this bond would cost $1.8 Billion dollars and deliberately failed to explain that the number is the sum of the previous Measure C plus this new one. The Measure C we just voted in should only cost $200 Million after 40 years because of the $400 Million in savings via the solar. This is like buying $5 dollar bills for $2.85.

This was by far and away the most cost effective way to help the school district and the environment at the same time. The value of this bond is extraordinary.

Contra Costa Times Results Page


We are going to start on solar immediately.

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Voting Day - Don't Forget to Vote! 
Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 01:03 PM
Posted by Administrator
You can find out what is happening with the vote at the following web address:

Contra Costa County Election Results

Measure C Results Specifically

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Gulf Oil Spill Reminds Us of Need to Reduce Oil Dependence 
Monday, June 7, 2010, 12:28 PM
Posted by Administrator
Did you know that here in the United States, we consume oil at a rate of 20 billion barrels per day? Let me re-assure you, the billion is not a mistake, we use 20 billion barrels a day and once the oil is gone, it's gone.

When we extract it, we harm the Earth's delicate ecosystems and risk disasters like the one at hand.

When we burn it, we pollute our air, ocean, and land. It gives off CO2, and contributes to global warming.

We use excessive amounts of electricity, which requires the burning of fossil fuels, when solar, wind, and geothermal energy is just as realistic.

We rely on oil to mass-produce food, use it for fertilizer and pesticides, and then to deliver it across the country when localized, small-scale, organic agriculture is a sustainable alternative for a lot of it.

All these smaller steps and choices we make every day add up. We need to start thinking in terms of avoiding oil and becoming more sustainable.

Don't feel guilty about what you haven't done, start focusing on making better choices and begin feeling good about it right away.

By the way, the Gulf of Mexico resource we were trying to tap has predictably enough oil to rival the 260 billion barrels of oil reserves Saudi Arabia currently claims to have. That means we have devastated the Gulf and sent environmental ripples around the world for 13 days worth of oil at our current consumption rate.

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Gulf Oil Spill and No Oil Sucking Tankers Yet? 
Sunday, June 6, 2010, 12:17 PM
Posted by Administrator
I'm sure by now we have all thought: Why isn't BP or another organization using oil sucking tankers like were used in the Persian gulf in 1993?

There are currently 3 reasons according to Admiral Thad Allen.

1. The tankers are specially modified for the job and currently there are not any in operation with the modification. This means it is not an option right now.

2. The modifications create stability issues and the environment is very different than that of the 1993 situation.

3. Currently there are many other vessels in the immediate area and this presents more complication and potential for problems.

While I continue to be frustrated by the situation it is also a small comfort to know why we have not taken certain actions. However, I want to see a lot more done and quickly. The ripple effect of this on the environment and our lives is yet to be seen and the less impact, the better. This means a quick solution is needed.

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