Day to Day Green
The Department of Energy Injects $300 Million into Green R&D 
Friday, June 12, 2009, 05:53 PM
Posted by Administrator

From the press release: ------------------------------------

New Funding Boosts Carbon Capture, Solar Energy and High Gas Mileage Cars and Trucks.

The $300 million infusion reflects Obama Administrations broad, aggressive research and development strategy.

WASHINGTON D.C. --- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced more than $300 million worth of investments that will boost a range of clean energy technologies - including carbon capture from coal, solar power, and high efficiency cars and trucks. The move reflects the Obama Administrations commitment to a broad based strategy that will create millions of jobs while transforming the way we use and produce energy.

"Theres enormous potential for new jobs and reduced carbon pollution just by implementing existing technologies like energy efficiency and wind energy, but we also need to develop transformative new solutions," said Secretary Chu. "As a scientist, I remain optimistic that these breakthroughs are within our reach, and investments like these are an important part of achieving them."

I think there is potential for this money to do a lot of good. Lets all cross our fingers, but at the same time, keep working on our own to improve the environment. Every effort counts.

The Blue Cube and Water Conservation 
Thursday, June 11, 2009, 03:42 PM
Posted by Administrator

Well, I have been making posts for a week and this system seems to be working pretty well.

With this in mind, I feel it is time to share some information on systems I have begun placing in our district. In an effort to conserve water, there are several systems I am currently investigating in regard to irrigation. We have a lot of land area and this is no small endeavor.

On another front, we also have a lot of urinals. This product displayed above is about the size of a golf ball and is a direct replacement for thousands of gallons of water in a urinal.

The installation is quick and affordable. We have converted urinals at several sites to waterless using this technology and are very happy with the results. We are installing the cube at our sites systematically as our budget will not allow a district wide installation.

If you would like to know more, please contact me. If you decide to go for it, please let them know you discovered it here.

Call them direct: 520-407-6788
They are based in Arizona.

First Full Scale Floating Wind Turbine Installed off Norway Coast 
Thursday, June 11, 2009, 02:53 PM
Posted by Administrator

Well, a region known for windmills has moved ahead and installed the first full scale floating commercial grade wind turbine. In my perpetual search for practical every day options that I can implement here at the district, I often discover the cutting edge happenings on the subject of renewable energy.

I thought some of you might enjoy the article. After all, this is a piece of history in the making. If this works, off shore wind farms may become common place.


PS - I added the football field as a visual reference on the photo.
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LED Lights of the future come to Japan in July 2009 
Thursday, June 11, 2009, 10:43 AM
Posted by Administrator

I don't know about you, but I am excited for the day that LED lights get to a reasonable price and a warmer more natural light. The benefits include higher efficiency than a CFL, longer life than a CFL and they are dimable.

The problem that I have right now is that the price is still high and the light produced has a cold and unnatural effect. After reading an article about a new LED light from Sharp, I feel like there is hope in the near future that I might start transitioning some of my lights to LED.

The product is being introduced in Japan for about $40 to $80 US dollars. The higher end lights will have a remote control for dimming and even adjusting the light color. There is talk of being able to group them so that you can control them as a set with one remote.

I love the idea, but I want to see them in action first. I also want a guarantee of 10 years or more to make me confident about spending $80 on a light bulb with remote control.

The Department of Energy needs to monitor their monitors! 
Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 01:53 PM
Posted by Administrator

As human beings, we like to know that even big organizations can make mistakes. As it turns out, the Department of Energy didn't pass their own energy test. There was room for considerable improvement.

I am sure they will start working on these items immediately. However, the report is interesting. Beware that the report is a PDF file and you will have to download it. Click the Related Link if you want it.

The key point is that as an organization made up of people, there is room for improvement. There are monitors set with absurd time settings for auto power off. Some monitors not set to power down from inactivity at all.

As much fun as it is to recognize that even our government agencies are not perfect, this is really a good opportunity to realize we need to check our own settings, and our habits. It is very easy to slide back into old routines. Saving energy should not be a burden, it should be a matter of habit.

Now, take a minute to check your computer power save settings. Make sure they are reasonable. On many systems, you can right click an open space on the desktop area and choose settings. After you are in settings, look for power saving or energy star.

Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room, even if it's your office at work.

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